While Light of Christ Radio began as a weekly radio program, it has expanded to a weekly podcast, daily blog, and weekly video all around a single text. We use Biblical Storying to examine a portion of Scripture in each format. This allows anyone to understand the Bible and gives space for the Holy Spirit to speak through the story to impact lives. Through Biblical teaching, we aim to glorify Christ and equip His people to stay focused on Him!

Light of Christ Radio & Podcast

Click here to listen to our weekly radio recording. Each radio program is archived as a podcast and can be accessed at any time.

Light of Christ Journey - blog

Click here to read today’s devotional blog. There are seven coordinating blogs for each weekly radio program. All our blogs can be accessed with a simple search.

Light of Christ Video for Small Groups

Click here to view this week’s video. The story of the week is illustrated with simple visuals. It is designed to be used in a small group study. Instructions and questions are found below the video.

The book of Esther is a bit of a riddle. It seems secular even though it gives us the source of the Jewish Festival of Purim. God and prayer are never mentioned in the book, yet the sovereignty of God is demonstrated at every turn. 


This book also reminds us that God cared for His people, Israel, and fulfilled His covenant promise to Abraham.





Contact Information

Light of Christ Media

Light of Christ Media is a ministry  of Trinity Church in Golden, IL


Donations to support this ministry may be mailed to our address or online 
